Friday, January 2, 2009

Researching Your Ancestors

Alot of people may not realize the time and work that goes into researching your family tree, but it takes up alot of time and work. I have helped many people including myself research my ancestors and I know that while online databases have alot of info they can be limited. They may not hold all of the records they claim or have your ancestor in the database under a mispelled name. When you hit a brick wall in your search sometimes it is good to branch out(no pun intended) and explore other ancestors or distant relatives that might give you info even if they are not part of your direct lineage. For instance, a few years ago I found a distance relative on the internet with the last name I was looking for Mishkit. He was my great or great great Uncle, I found Sam Mishkit on, but I could NEVER find my great grandfather Sam Perlman. So I went to the old surrogate courthouse in New York where they keep the records and located Sam Mishkit's immigration records finally after much searching. The place was closing in about an hour and what do you know I turned to the next roll#/page in the book and there was Sam Perlman. It was a fluke, they were brother-in-laws and applied for their citizenship on the same day. If I didn't go down there in person, I never would have found it. Here is a link to a service I provide for 20 dollars if anyone wants me to find a record for an ancestor who went through Ellis Island.

only $20.00